Information: The Basics Of Life. -------------------------------- A basic life doesn't help make you the best human being. There's more to life than food and shelter. INTRODUCTION ------------ The Basics Of Life is Knowing what you need before you need them. There's more to life than food and shelter. Expand your own worth and live a real life. Tick off each item as you purchase or find it. Buy all else when you have moved into your new home. Bring all these things with you if you need to move your home to another location. People never allow themselves the care they deserve, start here . . . KITCHEN ------- The kitchen is the heart of your home. And the Laundry, Toilet, Bathroom . . . Fridge/Freezer, Stove, Large and Small pots, Pans with lids, Ceramic Casserole, Spatula, Tongs, Can opener, Scraper, Scissors, Chopping board, Large and small plates, Mugs, Bowls, Knives, Forks, Spoons, T-Spoons, Peeler, Masher, Dishwash, Baking tray, Kitchen table and seats, Kitchen clock, Paper towels and holder, Rice pot, Bread knife, Paring knife, Fine grater, Tomato knife, Vedgetable knife, Kettle, Microwave, Toaster, Freestanding food cupboard, Doorway mats. Laundry Ladder, Foot ladder, Washing machine, Clothes iron, Ironing board, Clothes horse, Broom, Dustpan and brush, Rubbish bags, Light bulbs, Rubbish bin, Torches and candles, Vacuum cleaner. Toilet Toilet paper, Toilet brush, Cistern cleaner, Toilet mat, Air freshener. Bathroom, Hand soap, Soap powder, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Toothmug, Dental floss, Back brush, Towels, Face cloth, Bath brush, Shower curtain, Bath mat. LOUNGE ------ The one place we all come to relax after the day . . . Extension power cables, Power strip, De-Humidifier, Paper lampshades, FreeView Screen, UHF Antenna, HDD Recorder, Music center and speakers, Lounge suite, Picture frames, Seats and stools, Bookshelves, Suitcases, Heater, Cooling fan, Coffee table, Cushions. BEDROOM ------- Everyone needs their own bedroom to rest easy . . . Bed, Bedside clock, Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, Computer, Standing lamps, Desk and chair, Telephone, Short wardrobe, Tall dresser, Clothes, Shoes, Jackets, Dressing mirror, Excercise equipment, Coat hangers, Personal memories. SHED ---- Lawn mower, Spade, Saw, Rake, Clippers, Sun umbrella, Outdoor setting. TELEPHONE --------- Your connection to the outside world. Phoning to get the things you need in life. POWER ----- Gives you hot water to wash all of your life, keep and cook your food, light your way, and awaken you in the morning. Not least, watching your television. CAR --- Keep your car under shelter to keep it in good condition. Give it a monthly check over. Keep enough spare cash for a taxi if you need to drop your car off at a workshop for a repair, or to pick up a spare part like another battery while repairing in your own garage, or to get home from a vehicle crash while your car is being towed elsewhere, or from hospital back to your home. Bills ----- Pay only what you need to actually pay each Week, and/or Month. Pay at the same time as your income. Power, Rent or Mortgage, Telephone, Water, Gas, Rates, Vehicle, Pay all items, always on time. Medicine -------- Keep an updated OTC Medicine Cupboard (over the counter) for General pain relief, Bandaids and bandages, Antibacterial cream, Eye ointment, Gum relief, Cold remedy, Hayfever remedy, Stomach remedy, and Tweezers. Buy a kit. Keep a good Doctor, Dentist, Pharmacist, Health shop and Physiotherapist addresses in your phonebook. FINANCE ------- Money can be difficult for anyone. Try building up a cash reserve, like your very own overdaft. For those dental moments, those towing moments, taxi to the hospital, or ...moving. Pay it back in as you can. And NEVER let anyone else touch it, ever. REPAIRS ------- If you are handy with tools and technology then try repairing your items, before buying new. Or learn how online. You owe it to yourself and anyone else in your life to learn the skills required to save the money that can go to payments and ongoing bills. Anything less is paying needlessly, buying off the shelf a limited item that someone more needy is trying to find right this minute. LEARNING -------- Never give up on your own mind. Find something you like, and read about it. Study and become good or even proficient at something you never had before but need in your life now. Doesn't need to always be at an external learning center, read study and practical at home helps too. HOME ---- Find yourself a good but fair priced abode. Ensure it is in easy travel distance to local dairy and hardware shops, and shopping malls often where the larger items are sold, and public amenities and beaches, and theatres, and medical help, including your hospital. MOVING ------ Working out the truck or van size you need before shifting saves you money. Print this out if you need a helper list to make moving easier. Moving can take years off your life. PACKING ------- Use and keep only what you need in life. Buy some plastic cubes to hold things in around your home, it also makes it easier if you need to pick things up to move. You won't need to sort through things first. Just pick-up and move. Leaving things loose around the place takes longer to box. Keep a bunch of these empty plastic boxes in your garage for quick storage. Small to medium sized bookshelves also make for quick shelving when moving in, and life generaly. Seems like nothing at all but takes forever to gather together. Think about your age and health, friends. SAVERS ------ Wrap your TV remote in a single layer of then cling film to protect the buttons. Often new remotes for old electronics are no longer available. Or extremely hard to find a second one. And programming a remote takes forever. XMAS ---- Keep enough cash for christmas time. If you get a cold or virus you'll need to attend a different Doctor or dentist over the xmas period. Not being one of their usual patients means paying more for an urgent visit. Keep enough money to cover two to three visits, and for purchasing medicines from their pharmacy too. Including a taxi if you cannot drive presently. You may need to save upto three hundred dollars to see you through before your doctor reopens again. SECURITY -------- Personal Safety First, Private Property Second !!! Modern humans have lived for over two thousand years. Install automatic security lights at both your front and back door areas, so you can see from inside your home anyone trying to enter your property. Never let anyone into your home you don't personaly know, or are not satisfied are genuine people or have good intentions, or you cannot personaly handle if something should go wrong or you have a disability(s). This is YOUR HOME - NOT THEIRS !!! That means anyone at all family workmates friends aquaintances people who have followed you home - anyone, ask for identification from offical looking people. Including service people, who while ethicaly based upon normal business practices, can have imposters or other special cases trained to take their place while doing something else. You have the right to enquire what someone wants if they visit your home this very day or night. It's too late once your door is open. Keep lower windows closed when not in that room, doors locked on the other side of the house, and lock your gate and car at night. Buy a front door keypad alarm system with room sensors and sounders. Lock personal items away from every person. Use a simple video system to view your yard as required. Call the police if someone you don't know enters your property or is seen lingering around an outbuilding of yours. Friendly but firm, avoid intoxicated friends, flatmates, partners, visitors who stop your life. Be aware always, no one is going to tell you these things when needed most. You only have one life, one body and one happy spirit. All things worth protecting. Including protecting yourself from making potentialy foolish mistakes. FLATTING -------- More than one person... Everything has an important reason... Beyond getting your keys cut for the front door... Getting along with each other in life is about sensible communication and kind maturity. If sharing a house, apartment, or flatting together, then always share the chores, and never hold grudges. Keep your privacies while remaining generaly a democracy on decisions, unless there is an immediate critical requirement of you all being there. Take a vote on any important change as they come along. As individuals living together, be receptive of each other in your daily flow of life knowledges. Let each other, or at least one other, know of for example; if you are going to do something for your collective home, or will be home very late, or what you'll be cooking for dinner, and so on. Avoid beginning new relationships, and always have a calm meeting together if required. Be an adult, avoid bedroom hopping and keep the peace which is far more important than some urge. Make and keep a permanent group policy on having only trusted friends over to stay. Pay your way equally within your home together, or example; where equity is something else already paid for by one, the others pay equally for this. Simply keep normal communications among yourselves, and remember no one is above another, not even the lease holder for everyone there. The abode lease is a completely separate type of decision. Importance of the group welfare: You do not physicaly fight lest you be sent on your way, or an acceptable reason is given at a full meeting. And lastly, help protect each other during your time living there, example; ensure anothers room door is secure only, answer the front door for the other if required, or take a phone note. Learning to get along is not simply about earning or using your rights as one person, be kind. Always hold a calm collective meeting if required, without taking sides. ...and avoid sharing cars, it's their vehicle insurance ! ...look after the property and building ! COMPUTER -------- There is only one form of computer and phone security in our world - DONT CONNECT !!! Use a balanced set of software, tips and pointers to get your daily things done. Your screen displays private information, never let anyone see it !!! REALITY ------- It is not always possible to contact someone in an emergency to take your place in life. Turn off your power including fridge if you are single if you may need to go to hospital. Do not be a caregiver at home if you are single if you may need to go to hospital. Do not keep pet animals if you are single if you may need to go to hospital. Real life means understanding things that rely on you being there. Keep battery powered clocks to see the time in power cuts. Keep freezer blocks to keep your food fresh. Keep a fire extinguisher in the hall. Keep a real telephone line. Always lock all doors. LIFE ---- My personal advice. If you are starting out for the first time, or moving house forget everyone else so you can concentrate your energy on making your new life. You don't need distractions... Life is this, it's knowing whole things, like $60.00 buys almost any Car a whole tank of petrol. And using that information means you can buy other commodities for your food cupboard like a sack of rice that you boil to go along with your meals. That buying everything short and literaly piecemeal doesn't give you the same spending power to pay for the other things you need each week. That was the old survivors way of life. This isn't the bulk buying method either, that's only as good as your bulk money lasts, never. Grocery budgeting takes in a little of everything. If you have an eating issue, for example, you may want to be putting the best of your daily eating money into looser diet choices while paying for household staples that keep the place running. And instead of getting the usual fixed foods, work out what goes through your intestines best as the problems occur and only buy for best health, than running into the big problems. A loss this week devastates life for a month. This is your entire life, forget everything else, feed yourself so your body and mind is happy. Manage life, no one can work well if their life is out of balance each day. Your endeavour is to keep it going through the years. Anything else is back to square one. Jeff.